Dreams of Gods and & Monsters

Dreams of Gods & Monsters - Laini Taylor

I really liked the first book in this series, and the second one was interesting as well, but I think the magic's gone for me with this third part.

The major problem IMHO is that this trilogy needed a grand finale, but:

- The Dominions' plan to go to the human world just... sat there, with not much happening.
- The Seraphs/Chimaera war kinda fizzled out, swept away in favour of another conflict that 1/ should've been introduced much sooner, 2/ isn't resolved. Book 4 here, or not?
- Akiva and Karou wanting to kiss and stuff... Well... Understandable, but priorities, people? I don't know how those characters kept being sidetracked. I already can't give priority to love when I'm bogged down in work projects, so the end of the world? (Or maybe I'm just a cold-hearted bitch.)
- Eliza. I don't have anything against her, but she should've been introduced sooner in the series. (Also, her problems with Morgan etc: not interesting because not enough development here, so not enough tension.)

The world and characters in the first book were wonderful. Here, I couldn't find the magic anymore.